Chameleon care
Chameleons require individualized, specific care, replicating their Madagascar homeland. It is not difficult, if you stick to it, and you can successfully raise your chameleon in a healthy environment and your chameleon will love you for your attentive care.
For best health- allow to go outdoors a few hours for natural sun rays. Do not place in direct sun- unless it is 50 degrees or colder, and even then it should have a place, or covering for shade. In most cases- place in indirect sun, above the ground- away from predators such as cats, rats, birds, etc. You can use an enclosed net laundry basket from WalMart or an enclosed butterfly net cage and hang them high under a covered porch. Do not put on on windy days, or days when humidity is low. Go here for feeding |
Bendy Branches for chameleons
Buy diameter of bendy branch depending on age of your chameleon. (Do not expect your adult to try and grip onto a skinny, narrow branch)
Example of bendy branch shown below- although these are hard to keep clean because of their rough edges. Best to use real tree branches that do not have pesticide sprays on them. Use and spray with vinegar and water to disinfect the real tree branches.
Make sure you have at least 3 different horizontal levels of branches so your chameleon can adjust it's location to cooler or warmer. Also make the 3 horizontal levels within varying 12 inches from the top of cage because the UVB lights do not reach very far down the cage and the chameleon needs to be within UVB lighting.
Attach the branches with extremely fine wire to the sides of the screen cage, wire that will be situated tight and not exposed- so the chameleon will not damage tongue from exposed wire.
Use plastic covered wire- such asfound in the gardening department and also in the Dollar Tree stores to connect branches and vines together.
Example of plastic vines shown.
Example of bendy branch shown below- although these are hard to keep clean because of their rough edges. Best to use real tree branches that do not have pesticide sprays on them. Use and spray with vinegar and water to disinfect the real tree branches.
Make sure you have at least 3 different horizontal levels of branches so your chameleon can adjust it's location to cooler or warmer. Also make the 3 horizontal levels within varying 12 inches from the top of cage because the UVB lights do not reach very far down the cage and the chameleon needs to be within UVB lighting.
Attach the branches with extremely fine wire to the sides of the screen cage, wire that will be situated tight and not exposed- so the chameleon will not damage tongue from exposed wire.
Use plastic covered wire- such asfound in the gardening department and also in the Dollar Tree stores to connect branches and vines together.
Example of plastic vines shown.
Cage setup tips for panther chameleon
(Images below may not show up on mobile phones- please view on laptop or computer to view slide show)
screen cageChameleons need adequate air circulation. This cage provides that and makes caring for your chameleon easy. Click below
Basking LightThis heat lamp can be found at hardware store. Use with a regular household light bulb. Wattage depends on the heat needed for your chameleon, which is dependent on the chameleon's age. Use the temperature laser gun to check temperature readings to prevent burning your chameleon.
Beware if you place heat lamp on plastic hood the hood will melt. DO not use narrow heat lamps- buy the one with wide diameter base. You only need regular household bulb or spot light bulb of 65 to 75 watts normally. Never use a colored light ever- you're chameleon will get ill from it. Always have chameleon room completely dark at night. 12 hours of lights and 12 hours of complete darkness. Always let room cool down at night for best digestion of chameleon. Chameleon can usually withstand indoor room temps of 40 degrees to the high 90's, in emergency cases. Click on text below to view |
UVB BulbHere is a UVB bulb box
Reptisun T5 HO Never use a round UVB bulb- always buy linear for chameleon's greater access to UVB |
uvb FixtureChameleons need UVB lighting or they will develop metabolic bone disease and other structural and health problems.
This comes with 2 sockets. The other socket can be used for plant grow light 6500k bulb. I use garage shop light from Home Depot because I have multiple cages and these are made of metal and won't melt when heat lamp is on it. The plastic hoods, such as shown here will melt if in contact with heat lamp. |
225 30th Steet, Sacramento, CA.